The show is divided into segments. The news segment focuses on global and local stories. In this segment, field reporters broadcast news live from locations. Before the end of the show, two other segments will complete its format: Chikka Minute and the new weather segment. Chikka Minute, the showbiz portion of the news, is being presented by Pia Guanio during weekdays and Luanne Dy and Grace Lee during weekends. Meteorologist Nathaniel Cruz was tapped by the network to present its new weather forecast segment. 24 Oras has already been awarded both locally and internationally. Some of the awards the show received were the Asian Television Awards for best news program in 2005, the PMPC Star Awards for best news program in 2006, 2007 and 2011, the Catholic Mass Media Awards for best news program in 2004, 2007, 2010 (special citation for Ondoy and Maguindanao Massacre) and 2011 and the Gawad Tanglaw for best news and public affairs program for 2012.
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